Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Miss

Its been a while since my heart got shattered, guts wrenched and life crumble.....along the way of growing up....

Gained some, lost some...and missed so much of what I used to do:
  • daydreamingkc
  • iris enlarging contact lenses
  • gediks2
  • act stupid and enjoy it
  • act bimbo and enjoy other's reactions
  • part and parcel of growing up....
Sometimes I wonder....

When will I regain the freedom of being silly again...

next year?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

*smack head*

last nite, did a good round of gym... but surrendered to cravings n had a big plate of nasi goreng kampung...

shall try to outdo yesterday!!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Been yo-yo ing up and down. But promising progress.

Managed 3 kg so far, need to achieve another 3kg by the end of next month k?


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Playing with fire

play with fire and risk getting burn,

well babeh, u are going to hell anyway,

what's another bit of flame.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Project Cutting Back- Day Neg 1

Was putting on my casual clothings to go out with my brother yesterday... and.... my jeans cannot zip .....NooooOOOOOOOoooOOOoooooo....... this is a disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So gonna gonna gonna launch project cutting back, need to lose ze extras and gain back my college weight. Pronto!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Driving into Fog

Currently, life seems pretty directionless, at least mine.

The best I can do not is to keep my fingers cross, say my prayers and bulldoze all the way.

waitaminute! I don't pray. Oh well....

Monday, February 28, 2011

Yi Ge Ren

Single. Fine.

Motherhood? ummmm....alrite

Single motherhood? hmmm hearing some hush whispers nearby.

As time goes and biologically can really sense that I'm turning old-er. Some day I know I'll hear the biological clock ticking away. Won't say I don't want a kiddo some day. A cute mini-me sound kinda appealing, hey, we humans are programmed to pro-create and I'm pretty sure at some point of a person life, that they will start thinking of settling down and starting their own family.

Me? I'm normal alrite. When I was a little girl, I always imagine having my own family (pretty much while playing masak-masak with the gynormous collection of cuddly animals). Always wondered what will my family be like, but after the depression of 2008 & 2009, priorities changed. I changed.

Its not that I don't want to have a family of my own, just that the position of bread winner, head of family etc don't really have to be a man; there is a possibility that it could be me. Only me. I mean, come on, women today are capable of so many things compared to the past. Starting a family no longer stand for finding a person to lean on and but finding a person to share with. And if, just if, that there are no suitable candidate, is it worth it to settle for less?

I don't think so. Settling for lesser than suitable is asking for trouble. And so, here comes Plan B. Single motherhood. Yes it will be difficult, but in the long run, isn't it better than having a dysfunctional family? I would rather have my future kid to grow up in a single but loving family rather than so-called-complete but totally effed up environment.

And so, I say 'maybe' to single-motherhood. Its not like I can control if I do really get married some day right?



Single motherhood?

Only time will tell, not me.