Friday, September 24, 2010

Socially Adequate U Say?

Was sent to IMAGE training by the la!!! I swear I DID NOT sia-sueh myself to the point they beh tahan and send me!!!!! It was one of those perks you get being an employee.

So there was those tips on choosing clothes for men, how to dress to 'kill' ....your career. Table settings and how to use your utensils on the proper western dining settings. Eh very informative leh, all 20 over years I just bantai and act like I know.....observe babeh observe.

And the very was make up class!!!! All hail to the miracle for women. Seriously, I don't belief in so called 'natural beauty' bla bla bla, yes you can be beautiful without make up, but by all means, doncha think you look a bit washed out without at least some colour on the lips?

Anyway, my lesson of the day is : bloody hell I need to go find THAT mascara that made my almost non-existence lashes stand out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Will - Part 2

This part is only if I ever got married.

Dear Hubby,

I know I'm no longer with you, if something happened to me while we are still pre-menopousal, you can consider getting married again, BUT, please adhere by the following:

1. She dies NOT get to touch ANY of my teddy bears, bury them with me if u must.
2. She shalt not sleep on my pillow, bury it with me too...oh and my blanky
3. My money is MY MONEY! If in doubt, return the kah-ching to the my family clan, Hey you decided to get married again, my money is not to sponsor another woman.

other than that, I'm good. K? and oh!! If got kiddos, make sure they know who REAL mommy is k? muah!!

oh ya oh ya...burn more shoes, and NOT the traditional ones!! I want heels heels heels, and some wedges, Nike Air is good to go too, but they don't go with all the dresses u know.

Cosmetics!!!!!! NEVER FORGET!!!!!!

Books! The essential. Female mags too.....

Am I asking for too much dear?

haha, think you should have gotten used to it from the moment u decided to marry me, right?


* think no bloke is gonna get conned into marrying me after they see this piece haha*

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Full Time vs Part Time

If taking the value of RM paid for each job task into consideration, the part time thingy pays better!!!!!!

then again, the full time also covers medical benefit.....

give and take la....give and take.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Flip Flip

Its been a while since I touched any books let alone academic books. Don't get me wrong, I love books....umm ok exclusion for secondary school textbooks.....but I love books in general. Yes including that HUGE textbook written by Phillip Kotler that I was too stingy to buy.

Psst I spent one whole week reading my strategic management textbook 2 months after I graduated.....don't tell anyone k?

Some fortunate (or unfortunate) being who saw my huge collection of books before I sold 80% off and donated another few once asked me what's with that obsession with books, since I'm not even obsessed with Edward Cullen, yeah I'm not (don't tell Ah Mei...I not yet finish reading New Moon). Well, there is no exact answer to it innit? Afterall.....its just....books. Right?

Back to it, I miss my books, I miss the library full of books even if its academic. I thought I've forgotten what it felt like, but my recent attempts on searching some theories online not only revived that memory of hearing that flipping pages that leads to BINGO! I found the answer! Admittingly uncle Google is a gazillion times faster to generate leads to an answer, but, never to one that satisfies me like that heavy thingy that gives me a backache if I brought it for a walk, and I don't mean my dog.


Looking at that pile of *dust collecting bunnies* sitting quietly on my shelves, I cannot help but to wonder, should I pursue them further and go study for Masters..... hmmm....